Friday, November 15, 2013

Baby Back Ribs in the Crock Pot

(IMPORTANT UPDATE!!!  It turns out that my dear sister Kay left out a key ingredient.  A jar of chili sauce gets added to the 'sauce'.  If you do this, you'll enjoy the dish far more.)

This recipe was sent to me by my sister, Kay, in Seattle. Her sons love it.

1 slab baby back ribs (3.7 pounds)
½ cup brown sugar
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
teaspoon of hot sauce (I used slightly less than 1)


I cut a slab of ribs in half and placed them in the bottom of the CP. I mixed the other ingredients together and poured half of the liquid over the ribs. I cooked the ribs on low for 10 hours. The extra sauce was served with the ribs. Couldn’t have been easier.


The flavor was great. Ten hours was too long in my CP. The range given to me was 8-10. 8 would have been perfect. After 10 hours, the bones began to disintegrate. The prep time took less than five minutes (including the photo-taking). This is the easiest dish I’ve ever made in a CP. It was also the first time I’ve used the CP to cook without braising.

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