Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lamb Shanks with Moroccan Spices

Sometime in the last 15 years, restaurants started serving braised lamb shanks.  Few were as happy about this as Terry and I.  We love them.  If they're on the menu, one of us will order the lamb shank.  While we have made them on weekends, they're not the best choice for dinner on a typical work night because of the length of the traditional braise.  Then, of course, I discovered the Crock Pot.

On Friday evenings, we regularly get together with a group of dear friends for a pot luck. The host makes the entrée, others fill in from starters to dessert. Since the weather has started to become crisp, braised lamb shanks seemed like the perfect choice for last night. I decided to try a Moroccan spin on them with spices, olives and dried apricots. 8 lamb shanks were simply too many for a 6 quart Crock Pot, so I was forced to bring out the vintage avocado model to handle 2 of the shanks.

8 lamb shanks
1 large onion, diced
2 tablespoons of ground ginger
1 tablespoon of whole allspice
1 tablespoon of ground cloves
1 tablespoon of garlic powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon pepper
1 1/2 quarts of canned tomatoes with liquid(I used our own whole Juliettes)
2 cups apple cider
2 cups whole olives (any variety) with pits
About 20 dried apricots, cut in half
flour for dredging
olive oil for browning


1/2 the chopped onions went into the bottom of the CPs. The ground spices were sprinkled over the onions. Then, I liberally seasoned the shanks with salt and pepper, then lightly dredged them in flour. They were browned in 2 batches in olive oil in a large skillet. Once browned they shanks went into the CPs. I deglazed the skillet with the apple cider, tossing in the excess flour from the dredging. I whisked until it started to thicken--about 3 minutes. The liquid was poured over the lamb. The tomatoes were added next, followed by the olives. I drizzled several tablespoons of honey over the lamb. The prep time took about 20 minutes (not including clean-up). The shanks were cooked for 10 1/2 hours on low. About an hour before they were finished, I added the dried apricots. To serve, the shanks were moved to a serving platter and I used a large a spider-style strainer to retrieve the olives, apricots and tomatoes. They were put on top of the lamb on the platter. I removed as much of the fat in the remaining liquid with a ladle and reduced the remaining liquid until it became slightly thickened and glistening, before pouring it over the lamb.


The Crock Pot is MADE for this dish. Perhaps it was the company. Perhaps it was the assortment of dishes brought by others. Perhaps it was the piano-playing and singing after dinner. Perhaps it was the dramatic recitation of the Gettysburg Address (seriously!). For whatever reason, it was a great evening and the lamb shanks hit the spot...and on a work-night evening! Truly, a dream come true.

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